Here I am, at around age 7, missing my two front teeth. What an awkward and exciting time. I remember poking my tongue through the gap, awaiting the first sign of a new tooth. It’s these kinds of growing up experiences I had in mind when writing about a little moose losing his first set of antlers.
Before I began writing Wade stories, I had no idea that moose lose their antlers every year. Although the antlers of young moose are quite small compared to an adult’s, I wondered how Wade might react to the news that he would soon be losing his. After all, he and his friends used his antlers for many fun things. What would a little moose think? If there’s one thing we can all count on, it’s change. Like Wade, the best we can do is hold on, go for the ride, and keep having fun with our family and friends. Oh, and spend as much time in the woods as possible!